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Mountainbiking and Hiking in the Minett Nature reserves Go discovering

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Destination(s): Minett

The region in the south of Luxembourg has been strongly marked by the industrial culture but has managed to give itself a new identity over time, where the industrial past and new technologies melt into a unique mixture. 

Hip and modern cities offer a large variety of places to visit and explore: rock festivals and arts exhibitions, traditional restaurants in former industrial sites and star cuisine, nature reserves and spectacular rides on mining trains and much more.

The „Land of the Red Rocks“ is young and dynamic, multicultural and colorful – simply a region of contrasts!

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Due to the industrialization of the region, the surrounding nature has had to face major trans­formations. Discover those unique landscapes, converted into impressive nature reserves, by walking on the old mining sites.

The same nature reserves are also a prime location for mountainbikers to enjoy; experience the ups and downs of a very diverse landscape

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Head to the MTB trails

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Discover the Minett Trail

90 kilometers of nature and history are just a short hike away; so take the first step and dive deep into a rich world of biodiversity in the Minett regions nature reserves and find out why this remarkable region is called the "Terres Rouges". Eleven different stages, connecting all of the major cities and tourist hubs of the region, allow you to discover this unique region at your own speed.

© Pulsa Pictures_ORT SUD
© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Clemency - Pétange Gare
Distance: 7,22 km
Duration: 1:50 h
Difficulty: easy
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© ORT Sud
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Pétange Gare - Differdange Gare
Distance: 15,70 km
Duration: 4:35 h
Difficulty: medium
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© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Differdange Gare - Belval-Rédange Gare
Distance: 8,15 km
Duration: 2:20 h
Difficulty: medium
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© Claude Piscitelli, Claude Piscitelli
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Belval-Rédange Gare - Esch-sur-Alzette Gare
Distance: 6,50 km
Duration: 1:35 h
Difficulty: easy
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© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Esch-sur-Alzette Gare - Tétange Gare
Distance: 11,95 km
Duration: 3:25 h
Difficulty: medium
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© Pulsa Pictures, Pulsa Pictures_ORT Sud
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Tétange Gare - Rumelange Gare
Distance: 7,73 km
Duration: 2:15 h
Difficulty: easy
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© Pulsa Pictures, Pulsa Pictures_ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Rumelange Gare - Dudelange Gare
Distance: 10,93 km
Duration: 3:05 h
Difficulty: medium
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© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Esch-sur-Alzette Gare - Schifflange Gare
Distance: 8,92 km
Duration: 2:35 h
Difficulty: medium
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© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Schifflange Gare - Bergem / Beim Nëssert
Distance: 6,14 km
Duration: 1:45 h
Difficulty: easy
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© Pulsa Pictures, ORT SUD
Minett Trail
Minett Trail: Bergem/Beim Nëssert - Gare Bettembourg
Distance: 11,69 km
Duration: 3:05 h
Difficulty: medium
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... or get the whole overview of the diversity of this incredible region